1. When u started your DJ career and how the name D-Cypha came from?
Well I started my career way back in 93-94.Firstly this started as a massive passion and hobby as my interest in all things music was 24/7. I started on the turntables as a break/jungle & drum bass dj around this time 93-94 as I was always into drums and bass looking back on it I think maybe in my early early days I was a b-boy at heart always looking for the freshest break to jam too. I always was into music even way back at school as we would sneak into clubs to go dancing on school nights and would always command the floor when breaks would happen in any kinda of music that was our time to rock always on the break (lol). My name back in the early 90’s was DJ FREESTYLE and as I got more and more in to slow jams maybe cause I was starting to get older which is a very natural thing in life as we know it hiphop, funk, true r&b, trip hop was really starting to get my attention at this time I changed my name to DJ KID KUT obviously from looking at it now was really first time “all that scratching is making me itch “ after a few years I relised that the name DJ KID KUT just didn’t have that bang to it and was really not fitting to my style I came to a conclusion that I had to change it. D-CYPHA was born I dropped the Dj as by this time I was more becoming a turntablist and was using the turntable as a instrument now “coined from babu” and beat juggling was starting to become really my main obsession in music.

2. Tell us about your first steps in music industry, rappers and musicians that inspire you…
My first steps in the music industry really started from when I got into beat juggling.I feel this was when I started to really put attention to how beats where made and the construction and composition of each song .Being a dj helps 100% for these factors as I always go back to turntablism when constructing beats.I do not own a sampler or sequencer.I always use a turntable to make anything in my music it’s just the way I do it and will always do it.For me this gives the music that original flavour and gets rid of the computer generated block feeling that some music gets this is really not for me that block feel ing and for inspiration everything I cross in everyday life gives me inspiration. There’s really not one artist,musician or rapper that makes me do what I do! Everything in my path makes me do what I do! Life is inspiration to me…

3. You have many dj awards, tell us about all the competitions and your experience.
I was really in to battling back a few years ago.When you just had 2 turntables and a mixer the true art of being a turntablist these days the compositions of some of the sets are incredible and blow my mind.These kids have taken this turntablism to the next level.Shit is crazy lol and the evolution is wild.I am glad that I had a small part in the formation of what is now.Everybody who is into scratching and juggling has a part but yeah I did the rounds in the DMC and ITF competitions.Australia champion 3 times in the ITF but never really did the well in DMC’s would always go the Australian titles but never grasping the cup as I was more a battler in the 90 second rounds not a 6 minute set.Different horses for different courses! I was in the world titles in 2000 but finance in the Australia sector stopped me from performing in the other 2 years and from than I think the ITF competitions ceased to exist which is why I stopped with any form of competitions and moved to more production.I’ve meet a lot of people in this industry so many come to mind and so many people who went onto become great figures in music and related industries.I am happy with my achievements in djing and competitions even know I never became a world champion I am always blessed to remember sponsors from many companies investing in my skills to push me further and support such a fluid art form!makes me happy to the core!These were the only world wide competitions around at these days.Now there are so many different formats which is incredible cause it’s so good to see that this is still gathering momentum and still has new generations taking to new levels.Good to see it will NEVER DIE!!!

4. Except the music staff, what else u do?
I am chef and have been more a chef then a DJ or producer or beat maker.I worked in world class restaurants but this is for another interview.

5. What we have to expect from you in near future?
I re-united back to my original family Knkuc with Empne and with Big Bob from ESI.We will be pushing more of what has happened in “the special ingredient”.I got a good feeling and am enjoying what we are doing.I feel we are getting back to the essence of what I like about music.Beats – emcees- scratches – graffiti !!!

6. So, I think it’s time to speak about the highlight of the year. “The special ingredient” Many people wonder what is it exactly, is it a compilation album?It’s probably the biggest project that ever happened in Greece!How u choosed the rappers that they’ll be part of the project?
Well it’s just hiphop nothing more nothing less.Thank u for saying it is special to the Greek community and music in Greece cause to me it is a special thing.I’ve been gathering verses in my travels through the USA working with many people.I do a lot of ghost work for people as well the emcees chosen for this project and many more projects coming have been favourites of mine and luckily people I have had the opportunity to discuss business proposals with.I have come to a lot of these artists via connections I have meet in this industry and having connections with.Funny enough was taking to Kool g rap the other day on the phone about prospective things in the future.Watch this space for more lol i have had many things fall through as well with bad deals but all in all 90% of things I have tried to achieve I have based on the quality of the business,music and respect for all the artists I work with remember these rappers are business owners and the product of there business is doing verses for money which is like any record company over the years
I live in Australia and I don’t have the time to be traveling all around the world to sit in studio sessions I rely on there managers and affilates to achieve what I have asked and paid for contracts have been agreed on and we try to stick to the agreements sometimes these are do not work out lmaoooo so be it.It is what it is.Time is money and I respect the artists to give them money for there time.People think in this world of streaming and internet music that music is made with artists sitting in the studio which is very very expensive to undertake in a modern world.This is in the mostly very for from the truth 99% is now done remotely as big budgets have finished with a lot of music platforms and a lot of artist now taking back there 360 deals which offer them absolutely nothing and deprive them of royalties.Now these so said artists are being independent in every respect which is a much more safe option as record companies have taken advantage with complex contracts to stitch up a lot of these artists.To further more again I have meet some real dicks in this industry who think they live some life on the internet.This modern world is a very interesting place to say the least.But we will be releasing a lot of what I have in the vault in the next few years.Me and Empne are working on the second instalment right now which is fast becoming another special ingredient in music for ya and hopefully the Greek,European and worldwide hiphop community. Only time will tell but we are giving it 100% !!!

7. Thanks for your time, give s/o to anybody u want
Shout out to Empne & Rania,everybody involved in “the special ingredient” and everybody from the Knkuc collective,Vidya Souksabai & Big Bob from Esi,Harmanis from ZN and Kanon who supported to the fullest and all the mcs & djs that became part of this like Kebzer, Aylos 542 and everyone. It was a pleasure that everybody gave there time to achieve this goal. To my family: Julie, Ellie, Roman, Charlie, Sylvester and lucifier they always there for me no matter what. And to the na sayers of what we are doing thank u you for giving me the energy to do better so you have something to talk about on your online statuses. It really gives me the chuckles with what people really do consider truth and facts… IF U SAY IT ONLINE IT MUST BE TRUE!!! and thank u for the time to interview me. Peace respect!
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